
Blog - ESG - Workplace Diversity

Diverse groups must be embraced by effective sustainability plans. The three challenges of climate change, population growth, and resource scarcity are taken into consideration and addressed by sustainable enterprises. A socially diverse staff is more likely to comprehend how a company's environmental imprint affects many populations. There is evidence that diverse businesses are more successful at implementing changes and overcoming problems.

Understanding employee needs results in better judgment, a lower staff turnover rate, and higher employee satisfaction. Employees are comfortable sharing their opinions, which fosters a cooperative, creative workplace environment. According to research, diverse businesses are more likely to report a 59% rise in innovation and openness as well as a 39% rise in understanding of customer interests and demands1.

-        Ratio of male/female applications (in %) - overview on the diversity of your hiring pipeline. The KPI might be useful to track to spot pipeline problems early.

-        Number of international applications

-        Number of team members taking parental leave - Having parental leave options is not only important for the development of the child and the family but also for an employer. Among other benefits, it will help you to retain top talent.

-        Percentage of female employees as of total

-        Percentage of female managers as of total

-        Staff Analysis Employees (Age 20-29)

-        Staff Analysis Employees (Age 30-39)

-        Staff Analysis Employees (Age 40-49)

-        Staff Analysis Employees (Age 50-59)

-        Staff Analysis Employees (Age 60+)

And What About Gaia

Gaia is a great asset to help you foster and put into actions your ESG Investments strategies!

 Main steps to follow:

- Create an ESG thematic called “Diversity and Inclusion”

- Create the ESG indicators defined above

- Get Data: Enter your data or connect automatically to your ESG data provider. We have established connections to major data feeders, and our team can help automate this process for you no matter who is your data provider!

 - The Gaia trick - Raise to the portfolio level – All your ESG indicators are defined on a security/instrument level. To calculate ESG indicators and ratings, you must extend the formula to calculate the most coherent indicator on the portfolio levels. And here is where Gaia can help you out!

- Get ESG Reporting on your portfolio to be shared internally and with your clients.

 - Enter ESG constraints! ESG Investment Methodology goes beyond a post-trade analysis. With Gaia, you can enter your custom ESG constraints, and check them before any transaction is validated. You henceforth place ESG Strategy at the center of your investment process.

 - ESG Strategies – Create ESG Strategies by grouping different constraints. Define your strategies with your clients, integrate them into your IPS. You can apply the same strategies to multiple portfolios. Before validating any transaction, make sure your ESG strategy is respected, and edit an ESG Strategy Analysis Report at any time on any portfolio.


  1. https://globaldiversitypractice.com/diversity-and-inclusion-are-more-than-the-s-in-esg/
  2. https://www.pwc.com/us/en/services/esg/library/diversity-equity-inclusion-reporting.html
  3. www.omega-financial-solutions.com

Diverse groups must be embraced by effective sustainability plans. The three challenges of climate change, population growth, and resource scarcity are taken into consideration and addressed by sustainable enterprises. A socially diverse staff is more likely to comprehend how a company's environmental imprint affects many populations. There is evidence that diverse businesses are more successful at implementing changes and overcoming problems.

Understanding employee needs results in better judgment, a lower staff turnover rate, and higher employee satisfaction. Employees are comfortable sharing their opinions, which fosters a cooperative, creative workplace environment. According to research, diverse businesses are more likely to report a 59% rise in innovation and openness as well as a 39% rise in understanding of customer interests and demands1.

-        Ratio of male/female applications (in %) - overview on the diversity of your hiring pipeline. The KPI might be useful to track to spot pipeline problems early.

-        Number of international applications

-        Number of team members taking parental leave - Having parental leave options is not only important for the development of the child and the family but also for an employer. Among other benefits, it will help you to retain top talent.

-        Percentage of female employees as of total

-        Percentage of female managers as of total

-        Staff Analysis Employees (Age 20-29)

-        Staff Analysis Employees (Age 30-39)

-        Staff Analysis Employees (Age 40-49)

-        Staff Analysis Employees (Age 50-59)

-        Staff Analysis Employees (Age 60+)

And What About Gaia

Gaia is a great asset to help you foster and put into actions your ESG Investments strategies!

 Main steps to follow:

- Create an ESG thematic called “Diversity and Inclusion”

- Create the ESG indicators defined above

- Get Data: Enter your data or connect automatically to your ESG data provider. We have established connections to major data feeders, and our team can help automate this process for you no matter who is your data provider!

 - The Gaia trick - Raise to the portfolio level – All your ESG indicators are defined on a security/instrument level. To calculate ESG indicators and ratings, you must extend the formula to calculate the most coherent indicator on the portfolio levels. And here is where Gaia can help you out!

- Get ESG Reporting on your portfolio to be shared internally and with your clients.

 - Enter ESG constraints! ESG Investment Methodology goes beyond a post-trade analysis. With Gaia, you can enter your custom ESG constraints, and check them before any transaction is validated. You henceforth place ESG Strategy at the center of your investment process.

 - ESG Strategies – Create ESG Strategies by grouping different constraints. Define your strategies with your clients, integrate them into your IPS. You can apply the same strategies to multiple portfolios. Before validating any transaction, make sure your ESG strategy is respected, and edit an ESG Strategy Analysis Report at any time on any portfolio.


  1. https://globaldiversitypractice.com/diversity-and-inclusion-are-more-than-the-s-in-esg/
  2. https://www.pwc.com/us/en/services/esg/library/diversity-equity-inclusion-reporting.html
  3. www.omega-financial-solutions.com