• info@
  • 31 rue la Boétie
    75008, Paris
  • The Esplanade
    12371, Riyadh

Our Clients

Omega Financial Solutions

We built Gaia for
and with our clients.

Our clients cover the span of the Asset Management business. Hence, we built a comprehensive solution that answers the specific need of every Asset Management professional. 

Gaia is easily customizable. We can therefore put at your disposal a quality and cost-effective tool that matches your needs and your workflows (more information in the Why Gaia and Product pages)

Our clients cover the span of the Asset Management business. Hence, we built a comprehensive solution that answers the specific need of every Asset Management professional. 

Gaia is easily customizable. We can therefore put at your disposal a quality and cost-effective tool that matches your needs and your workflows (more information in the Why Gaia and Product pages)

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