• info@
  • 31 rue la Boétie
    75008, Paris
  • The Esplanade
    12371, Riyadh

Our Clients

Own Portfolio Managers

Send orders, calculate very specific performance indicators

Manage legal and management constraints, send accounting entries to your core system and many other functionalities, some of them listed below.

Asset and Liabilities Management

(all security types, all currencies)
(all security types, all currencies)

Order Management System

(with rebalancing, fix protocol, etc.)
(with rebalancing, fix protocol, etc.)

Legal constraints management

(ex-post and ex-ante)
(ex-post and ex-ante)

Investment thesis management

(user-defined ex-ante and ex-post management constraints)
(user-defined ex-ante and ex-post management constraints)

Detailed reportings

(in different formats such as Excel and PDFs)
(in different formats such as Excel and PDFs)
Manage legal and management constraints, send accounting entries to your core system and many other functionalities, some of them listed below.

Contact Us